“We had a mock OFSTED Deep Dive and the work that I had done with my department on S plans and the curriculum sequences really paid off. Everyone was confident in explaining Why this? and Why now? about what they were teaching and why they were teaching it.” – Head of Department and Teaching for Mastery Advocate
“Where the teaching for mastery is embedded in the scheme of work in Year 7 and 8, progress and results are significantly improved. Quality of student and teacher explanations has also improved as well as resources that we use.” – Key Stage 3 Leader and Teaching for Mastery Advocate
“Now I feel that I am using the White Rose Maths resources properly. Having time to look at the principles and practices of teaching for mastery has helped me see beyond the PowerPoint. I can confidently adapt the resources to build my students understanding and confidence.” – Teacher of Maths and Teaching for Mastery Advocate