Key Messages:
Small connected steps are easier to take.
Focusing on one key point each lesson allows for deep and sustainable learning.
Certain images, techniques and concepts are important pre-cursors to later ideas. Getting the sequencing of these right is an important skill in planning and teaching for mastery.
When introducing new ideas, it is important to make connections with earlier ones that have already been understood.

Bank of Support
Small Steps
When is a small step in learning not small enough?
These small coherent learning steps have been taken from the NCETM curriculum prioritisation materials available through the NCETM website.
The NCETM term by term framework is really helpful to provide coherent and well sequenced learning for the primary maths curriculum.
Each year’s curriculum is mapped out in coherent steps and there are supplementary materials which are excellent including teacher guidance as well as teaching powerpoint slides.
Additional note: If your school is using a published scheme you may still find that there are some gaps in pupil learning and that this series of coherent small steps may be useful to further scaffold learning and teaching.